OK so I had a great christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Hey this is just an update on my week :D
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Party!!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thanks so much for doing my background aunt Kim, i love it!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
High School Musical 3
I went to see High school Musical 3 on Friday and it was so good!! It was really cheesy in some parts but it was also HILARIOUS. Im not like obsessed with HSM or anything... but i liked it!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My siblings
I am going to write why I love my siblings, i know i did this a while back but this is kinda different.And this is in no order its just how it uploaded my pictures!
Why I love Amber:
-She is FUNNY!
-fun to talk to
-it so funny when I start singing she tries to sing a long, like she will try to say the words.
-last night I brought home a clay turtle and she grabbed it so I said ''amber give it back, that mine!'' and she goes ''but I like him, hes a turtle!!''
-and lots more
Why I love Spencer:
-his laugh, is HILARIOUS!
-He is so nice I will be like ''hey spence'' and he will reply back ''hey'' and most of the time my other siblings just ignore me!
-Its fun to see his reaction when he goes high on the tramp
-and lots more
Why I love Brooke:
-She is so FUNNY!!!
-She talks in this really high voice when i beg her!!
-does weird but funny poses
-acts out hilarious things!!
-fun to make her go high on the tramp
-she tells me who her crushes are :O
Why I love Alex:
-hes FUNNY
-when I tease him he usually doesn't make a big deal out of it (usually)
-we can talk to each other about stuff (favorite bands, what happened at school, etc...)
-Its fun when I give him piggy back rides
-Its fun chasing him and playing around
-and much more
Thats why I love my siblings!!!! if I dont get enough votes on that poll I am not going to write the post I was going to write.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I was super bored today so I did this cool Halloween thing. I am kinda exited for Halloween this year, but Im kinda sad that I cant trick or treat this year but I am exited to have a party with one of my friends!! for this vid. thing I couldnt find any good pictures. These ones are from TWO years ago. Alex was a nerd, Brooke was Ariel, Amber a bee, and spencer buzz, So yeah sorry they are really old. This was my funnest Halloween. I went with two friends and got loads of candy!! Oh yeah and I was a baby. :O I kept teasing Alex saying ''hey alex ummm this is halloween ur supposed to DRESS UP!!''So I will write about halloween this year when its over and i'll have pictures of this year. So enjoy it!!
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
....:*Ambers Birthday!!*....:
....:*NO MORE BRACES!!*:....
OK so this was forever ago but yeah these are me new teeth in case any one hasent seen them yet. This was also on the first day of school. :D
Sunday, September 21, 2008
....:*B day Party!*:....
K so I when to a bday party on Friday and it was so much fun!! Me and mackenzie went! Before the party my mom took me to wall mart to look for a present and so mackenzie came too. We decided to get her a fake tiny baby present and then surprise her latter with the real present. K so the fake present was little Minny mouse hair ties for babies!! The real one was money, kit kats, and bracelets. It was so funny cuz at Wall mart I lost my mom so we went to the page guy and we were like ''will u page my mom'' and hes like ''should i say we have a lost mommmyyy?'' lol. But we told him not to say that. While he was paging we were laughing so hard and everyone was staring at us and laughing at us!! Then we went to the party. We had pizza, chips, candy, pop, ice cream, and cupcakes. She lives right behind the Jr. High so we climbed the fence and ran around the school yard. Me and the other girls were being CRAZZZZZYYYYYYYYYY. It was SO fun!!! I had lots of crazy friends there! So when it was time to open the presents we gave her our fake one. This is what she said: ''O cute i will wear these like every day'' Then when we gave her the real present she was like ''good cuz i was totally lying about the other one'' it was WAY funny!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
SORRY i havent posted in a long time! This is the longest I havent posted!! There just has been NOTHING to write about.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Random sick post
WARNING: if u dont take TOTALLY DISCUSTING things so good. DO NOT READ THIS!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!
My hair has been the same style for a long time, and i was thinking about getting it cut. I was thinking about layering it at the bottom and cutting it so its about up to my shoulders. People are telling me to leave it like this and to cut it. I think it will look cute shorter- and i like it long. so vote on my poll and dont leave a comment that says ''do whatev. you want, i am sure it will look cute'' and dont just do that to bug my. :D. So..... vote on my poll what you think.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
It seems like a day ago I was writing about how exited for summer I am and how much fun I am going to have! It has been kinda boring- but really short. Looking back I did some fun stuff thought: play, girls camp, washington etc.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Washington Fun!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
K so some girls were talking about this song at girls camp so I looked it up and i love it! (expesically the chorus) not just cuz its by david archuleta!!! its my second song on my playlist so if u want to listen to it do it! tell me if u like it!!! i know u will mackenzie! lol. (its called crush in case u were wondering why i put crush as my title)

Girls Camp
Girls camp was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FUN!!! it was shorter this yr. so we didnt do much stuff, but it was still so much fun!!!!! ok, so my friend was so close to not coming but she did so i was so glad!! and my other friend didnt go at all (u know who u r). yeah so anyway, me and my two friends brought sheets to make a fort, so we ran in to get beds but there wasnt any on the top (bunk beads) so we got the bottom and put sheets up. It was so fun! and last nigh was SO much fun!!! k so my friend brought like a whole bunch of glow sticks so that night me and me friends broke them and we like put the juice stuff all over the sheets so our fort was all glowy!!! and this really funny girl came down in our fort and she broke one and it went all over her chin and so it looked like she had a beard!! LOL. And my other Friend was like putting the glow stuff all over her legs!!! k so yeah.....and that afternoon there was this girl doing really bright makeup to people so everyone got theirs done! it looked so cool!! i did mine -like every one did!! The activities wernt very fun but i just loved hanging out in the cabin. O and the 4th yrs and the 2nd yrs (thats me) took the first yrs. on a snipe hunt (not real-snipes) at night and we told them they had to put tooth paste on their face to make them go away!! and The older girls were like making sounds and scaring the little first yrs!! but this one girls was crying her eyes out, she was so scared!!! yeah and one afternoon me and my two Friends wanted to play this game and it started out w/ 4 people and ended up being like a lot of people playing it! it was so fun!!!!!!!!! we had good food there like: Alfredo, Navajo tacos, omelets, scones with Cinnamon honey butter, chicken salad, and muffins!!! we had to do skits and stuff and this girl in our ward was a hobo and she was being so funny! every one in our ward is funny! lol well yeah... and one night me and my friend were going to scare our other friend coming out of the bathroom, so she comes out and we say ''BOO'', and its the wrong girl!! LOL we were like on the dirty floor, laughing so hard. latter we found her and said sorry! LOL so yeah.......it was just SO much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Packing, Packing, and MORE Packing!!!!!!
Ok so I have been packing so much lately!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Random Itmes
Ok I decided to do this cuz It sounded fun and I was bored. And I wanted to write a new post before I go to Washington. aside from family and important stuff like that here are 10 things that a love- and some I cant live without!.
Thats what I love!!!! when I get back I will write about Washington, girls camp, and the first day of school!!
24th and cousins
The Forth of July was so much fun!!!!! So for dinner we went to a neighbors house for a BBQ then after that my family went to the fireworks (me and Brooke brought a friend). and it was so fun there! They had music before and we were playing games and stuff. And then the fireworks started. THe fire works were so cool! there was like really cool smily face fire works too:).
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Memory lane.....
Memory Lane...
I got this from my friends blog. I thought it would be fun! I hope you will play along. Here are the directions:
1. watch my memory slide under this post. :)
2. then, As a comment on my blog, leave as many memories as you want that you and I had together under THIS post. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.
Thanks in advance for participating!
This has many pages, not just one. just click play and then it will bring u to a page- there is a 2nd play button at the bottom, just click that. I looked at my friends and thought there was just one page- so I just thought I would let you know!
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