K so some girls were talking about this song at girls camp so I looked it up and i love it! (expesically the chorus) not just cuz its by david archuleta!!! its my second song on my playlist so if u want to listen to it do it! tell me if u like it!!! i know u will mackenzie! lol. (its called crush in case u were wondering why i put crush as my title)

HECK YA!!! I LOVE IT!!!! escpeccially cuz it is by david archuleta!!!!!!!that was funny!
yesss i've heard of it and i LOVEEE IT!!! i saw the song on my friend's myspace profile and i commented her and i was like ohhh my gosh that is such a goooood song i love it! haha but yeah the canyon was amazing!
i already told you i did lol
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