Friday, June 27, 2008

SO FUN!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE ABSOLUTELY LOVE.............. doing plays!! I just finished doing a play called Aesop's fables. The play was a whole bunch of little plays....boy who cried wolf, tortis and the hare etc. I loved it!!!!!! K this is what I loved this time... k so we had a play in the afternoon and one in the evening so me and my Friend Julie wanted to just stay during the break. So we went to watch our friends(kaitlyn and kenedy)  do hip-hop. So we are just sitting down and some kids from the play are behind us(hayden, deven, stephon) and we were all laughing so hard and just saying random things, like when a alivin and the chip munk song came on and hayden was like 'i am alvin' and I was like 'I am theodor cuz It is played by jesse Mccartny' It was so fun we were laughing SO hard! But then we had to go to a diff. spot cuz this old lady told us to be quiet. Then the kid who played the hare (Hayden) was like ''I am going to go back stage'' And we were all laughing and wondering if he was going to come on and dance! Then deven left and they both came back with cookies  so we all went to the cafeteria and got some (there was like a buffet of cookies). Then we came back to watch our friends do hip-hop. When they came on we were cheering so loud and like standing up and calling their names and stuff. Then it was time for the play and so we walk in the room were we meet in, and the cast is dancing and singing so me and julie start dancing and singing really loud(it felt like a was in a charly brown movie). And every one got sooooo sweaty and tired before the play so me and julie, deven, Kaitlyn, and Ki, Mariam, and some other kids formed a energy group and we were huddled in a cirlce and we were like '', energy, energy. It was so fun u just had to be there!!!! I have mad lots of Friends doing the plays throughout the years and I LOVE doing it!!! Its the funnest thing in the whole world!!!!!!!!!!! O and I was a narrator and I was split with my Friend so we were both narrators and we had to say this line: Moral... dont catch you're chickens before they are hatched. But we totaly messed up cuz kenedy was trying to say moral and I was trying to say dont. (that probably didn't make sense). And Me and kenedy made up a hand shake we did at the end of the skit. IT WAS FUN!!!! I am always so so so so sad at the end of a play cuz I love it and its so fun being goofy with all you're friends!!! I was a sun in the 'wind and the sun' a grass hopper in the 'ant and the grasshopper' a animal in the 'lion' and a person in the 'tortoise and the hare'. and the narrator in the 'milkmaid'. By the was my Friend julie was the tortois, she was way funny.  And her little bro was the boy in the 'boy that cried wolf' and we was so good!! He had this really fun, fast song he sang and he said the words perfectly clear and was doing little actions. my family thought he was great. O and i did pretty darn good too!!! The next play they are doing is Arabian nights and it is a year long one and these ones are SO AMAZINGLY FUN TOO! they have more props and scenery and stuff. (like Narnia). I think if i am going to do it i am going to try out for a solo so I can get a lead. But I have been leads a lot of times i just want to sing to see if i can do it. I have never tried for a solo before cuz I was afraid i would mess up but after seeing Julie and William do it-and how great they were I think I can. One of my funnest memories was when I played a little part of a statue with some of my friends in Narnia- well anyway we came on late and so we were holding our poses and I just started laughing and couldn't keep it together so my Friends started laughing and one of them was making a weired noise like a sucking spit type deal-and we were supposed to be statues!! It was So funny! Well sorry for the book! Its SO FUN!!!! :)


--MaCkEnZiE-- said...

HOLY CRAP!!!! that was sooooo LONG!!! JK LOL!!! that sounds soo much fun and william did soo sooo good so was julie!!! GREAT JOB!! it was so much fun!!!

Erin said...

wow!! that was umm... interesting.. and long. just kidding

Mommo said...

I wish I could go see your plays. You should totally try out for a lead Kels! You would do awesome.

Jessica said...

hey kelsey! yeah dancing with them was so much fun! a lot of them were cute and friendly! but yeahhh so i'll try and give you a call today. i'm going swimming today.

Hersheys said...

Thats sounds soooo fun you should try out for a lead you would probably get it