Ok so not a lot of people read my blog as far as I know but this is what has been going on-
Last Friday there was a cookie incident (and a parade of boys : )) I'v told a lot of people about that but Ya i was with my friend and uuuummmm ya if you ask me I will be happy to give u that details! It was a way funny night! And then there was mothers day on Sunday- we went to my grandmas and had a fun day. And of course AMERICAN IDOL! I am a HUGE fan! So happy for both davids but I am rooting for David Archuleta!! I hate waking up for school but I love talking with all of my friends and laughing until we cant breath! (kimmy) and about the cookie incident (again kimmy). I recently told my mom that I was a bit of a trouble maker in school, me and my friend kimmy talk during class and laugh literally the whole entire class period about nothing at all! I will be sad when school gets out but is way exited for summer!!! Ok so i am doing a class play in my drama class (have to do it) and i am a stupid police officer with only three lines in the play!!! And I have to wear stupid tight pants and i have to tuck in my shirt so it looks sooooo puffy and awful!! And we have to perform in front of my school and our families! Oh well. If u have a blog and is reading this right now fill free to comment! I love reading comments! Well that's about it! Sorry for the long post! :) Oh and sorry this post was completely random!

I want to know about your cookie incident! lol!! If you want to get pictures of celebritys, just go to google and type in the celebritys name, and you will get pictures. Just press right click and press save picture as and then its in your pictures. If you have any questions just ask. Oh and ask your mom if you have to go to school on lagoon day k. see ya at school
i dont get it it didnt work
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