Ok, so I have already talked about summer but I just wanted to tell you what actually happened on the last day of school..........
Ok, so we went to all of our classes for 15 minuets each to sign year books and then when to the cafeteria to sign more year books and eat pizza. By the way the year books are so freakin cool this year. It is an ipod theme and they look so cool!!!! It has an ipod on the front and it is playing a song... well the song is called dimond fork.. a new release. kinda creative. then it has shadows of people dancing and it is rainbow. And on the back the diamond back has ear phones in his ears....
if that made sense.... kinda cool! well any way.... then after all of the year book singing me and my friend mackenzie left like an hour early to walk home(we got to go home whenever, the teachers didnt care when we when home!) and we didnt really want to go home so we went to Larsen Elementary and ate lunch and chilled with my sister. Then when she had to go to class me and mackenzie walked around and met these random... really cool 4th grad girls (3), and we were telling them about the ups and downs of junior high and we were showing them hot guys in our year books, and they really liked that :). then when they went in I went over to my brother and chilled with him for a while. Then we went back inside and had a few random kids sign our yearbooks and some of them asked if we could sign theirs! (forgot to tell you that those 3 girls signed my year book too) , then me and mackenzie got the janitor to sign our year books, which is still the same one when I was at larsen, then we went to go visit my AMAZING favorite 5th grade teacher Mr. Teusher, and had him signed it and chilled with him for a little bit. Then me and Mackenzie walked home and when I got home It got very boring!!! Hope that made sense!!!! It was soooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we made knew friend, chilled with my old teacher, and got a free lunch (brooke got us some lunch..... it was free anyway.)
O and the oddest part was that me and mackenzie didn't get kicked out of the school!!

that day was soooooooooo much fun!! when i got home i was waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy bored too we should have did something! i'm soooooooo glad summer is here we need to hang out if we get bored this summer oh yeah and you need to give me your email address k ttyl(talk to you later just in case u didnt know what that was)
HOW DID YOU DO THAT THING AT THE TOP IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! you need to tell me k i luuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvv it!!!!!!!
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