Ok so the Mormon-hottie didn't win. Ya I was pretty sad. David Archuleta will be great in the music buisness though.. Did u guys see the guitar hero commercial with david archleta in it? ssssoooooo Funny!
David Cooks is way good singer and really nice, they will both do good. I hate that American Idol is over. Me and my friends talk about it non-stop and I am going to get so bored waiting for January to come!

i know now we dont have an excuse to skip young womens jk!
do you have a bear from build a bear workshop? i was just wondering
Kelsey - I love your blog and I hope its okay, I put it in my family blog links. When I come down Saturday I can help you do the background if you want. Have a great last week of school!
its finally over!!!!!!!!!! i had so much fun today going to our old elementary school today!! so did udo anything fun today after school? i didnt i wanted to but we had a lot of plans but we didnt do any of them :( so if u get bored this summer (i know i will)you can call me 798-9476 and my email address is kenzikoo10@gmail.com so u need 2 tell me yours and i'll email u!! sorry 4 the long comment
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