OK, so you have probably noticed but my background is changed and now i have a header thanks to my awesome aunt who did it for me!!!!! I love it it is soooooooooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK well Brooke's baptism was today and i know that I keep saying this but I will ask my dad to get some pictures on tomorrow! just wanted to right a quick little post. If i cant get pictures I will write about the Baptism tomorrow. O and one random thing our backyard is so cool and fun! we got a trampoline and a fancy wood swing set. well hopefully I will right about my sisters baptism. just wanted to say thanks to my aunt!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
New back ground
Friday, May 30, 2008
Summer is finally here!!!!
Ok, so I have already talked about summer but I just wanted to tell you what actually happened on the last day of school..........

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ok, so summer officially starts in one and a half days!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
American Idol!
Ok so the Mormon-hottie didn't win. Ya I was pretty sad. David Archuleta will be great in the music buisness though.. Did u guys see the guitar hero commercial with david archleta in it? ssssoooooo Funny!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
K so i am pretty bored right now so I guess that I will write about my brother Alex. Even though Alex has friends who are huge jerks, Alex is still pretty cool. Me and Alex talk about stuff cuz we are only two years apart! Me and Alex make jokes together and just have fun!!!!! When we go camping or whatever we always chill and hang out with each other if its just our family. We like pretty much the same music and laugh non-stop about stuff that happened at school! I will post sometime wednesday night or thursday about how had to babysit a two year old, a six year old, and two five year olds!!! O and the American Idol results! : )
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Every thing from cookies to Police officers!
Ok so not a lot of people read my blog as far as I know but this is what has been going on-

Thursday, May 8, 2008
My sister Brooke just had her birthday on Monday. She turned 8 years old. Brooke does this histarical voice that is so dang funny! It sounds like a chipmunk. Shes really funny and talks about this guy she likes with me. She likes to eat sugar and sometimes me and my brother will not be very nice and tease her about how much she loves sugar. I am glad that I have a sister that is old enough to talk to!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My little brother spencer reminds me of exactly what I was like in kindergarten- Loud and crazy. Thats a good thing:). Spencer is very funny and does a lot of funny things and favors for you. He is a very big guy that is strong and tough. He is five and will be six in February.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
My little sister amber is the sweetiest little girl ever! She is one of the most annoying babies i have ever seen but she is sooo cute! Amber will start saying the prayer in the cuteiest voice! She gets scared a lot and I love it because thats when she clings to you! Amber cries at almost everything which all babies do. But she is so dang funny! Amber makes me laugh almost everyday! Amber is two and will be three in September. I am going to try to write a post about all my brothers and sisters. I will really try to put pictures in of amber but if i do they will be above this post.