Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I was waiting for this week to be over. Ok so I did something really fun each day of the week-
Monday- Scones
Monday wasn't fun at all but I did make pretty good scones. We put vanilla ice cream and strawberry jam on them. My mom is having me make a recipe book and so I have been doing a lot of cooking. I really love to cook its very fun!!
Tuesday- You Tube party
So on tuesday afternoon me and my two friends (mackenzie and julie) planed out a pizza party that we are going to do sometime, but then I had to go to young womans. After young womans my friend heather asked me and my friend Miriam to come to her house and have a late night. We had ice cream and we tried to make a youtube video but it ran out of tape. But it was really funny me and Miriam were two mean, not smart, rich girls. It was a really fun night!!!!
Wednesday- Movie and Swimming
Wednesday was fun, at 10 AM we went to a movie -daddy day camp and the little kids saw Mr. Magoriums. And we went there with a family in our ward. (Mom signed us up to go and see movies every week) And then we went to go swimming at a swimpool right next to the theater, and we went there with the family in out ward too. It was fun swimming- I got really sun burned on my face, but then it turned into a tan, but then that went away- or not as much color:(. But overall it was fun.
Thursday- Canyon
Thursday me and my family went up the canyon to have dinner. We meet a family in our ward there (we didnt plan it out) and had dinner and smores. We played in the river for a little while but it was kinda boring because I had no one my age to hang out with. O and earlier that day I found out that I get my braces of August 11th!! YES!! FANALY!!!!
Friday-Sunday- Fun at Grandmas!! :)
This was the funnest. ok, lets get started.
So on friday me, my mom, and brooke went to my grandmas house in ogden. (grandpa was out of town). on the first night my Aunt and Uncle and my cousins came over (Kaily, Megan, Tyler, and Aubree) and had dinner with us and two of my little cousins stayed the night(Kailey and Megan). We had pizza for dinner and I was having fun taking A LOT of pictures of my cute cousins.
Then the next day Kailey and Megan left and me, my mom, brooke, and my grandma went SHOPPING!!! It was soooooo fun!!!!! we went to start out on school cloths. I got two camies- one white and one red from Aero. and I got a really nice dress shirt that is sooo cute, I also got a sweater jacket and it is striped and really colorful frome Aero. Thats cute too. We went to ross and we were so rushed so I just got a pair of skinny jeans, but I dont really like them so we will take them back. Then after that we went to see the 'journy to the center of the earth' in 3-D. O my gosh, that was so fun!! the movie is soooo good. I really recomend seeing it. (not just cuz there is a cute guy in it (josh hutcherson) (sorry all I talk about is cute guys :) )) But it really was a really fun movie to watch. And its really fun watching it in 3-D. After that we went to dinner at T.G.I Fridays. Me and my Grandma got the same thing and it was soooooo good. I am not going to go into detail becuz that would take up room. :). Then we came back to my grandmas house and watched 10,ooo B.C, which was really good. Then Sunday we went to church, had dinner, had a fashion show for my mom and grandma in our new school cloths, and left :(. It was SOOO MUCH FUN. There was a lot of pictures so I just did a slide show. look at all of the pictures there are some really funny ones and cute ones!! O and we saw A LOT of cool painted horses driving to the theather so thats what the horse one is.