"Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid neither be thou dismayed, for the lord thy god is with thee withersoever thou goest" Joshua 1:9 Thanks Kimie for posting this. This is so extremely true and its what I believe as well!:)
I would like everyone to know that you are loved. I want you to stay strong and hold tight to the rod forever! Be patient. Love everyone. Do not judge. For who are we to judge when we, ourselves, aren't perfect? I love you all and so does our god in heaven. He has reasons for everything at every time in our lives. When we reach our bridge of trial that we need to get over i want you to stay strong. God will always be right next to you, guiding you through. He knows what you are going through and understands your heart and mind. He knows what you are able to handle and wants you to stay close. Be strong and of good courage!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
the sky is the limit
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
High School
Does anyone really still read this? haha
Monday, February 1, 2010
Utah Theater Association!

Best Day!!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Ok so here is my talk I had to do in church on sunday.
I was asked to speak on what christmas means to me.
When I think of christmas I immediately think of presents, candy, and being with family.
I asked my friends and family what they think of when they hear christmas and they said:
-joy happiness and charity
-love, family and service!
-’’what I am getting’’
- Christmas tree!!!
-i think of giving to other people, or presents!
-little kids sledding, and pine trees....and big fat snowflakes
-i think of the magic of believing.
While those thinks are good things , we still forget the true meaning of christmas.
Without Jesus we wouldn’t even have christmas. Jesus did so much for us while he was on earth but the big think was he atoned for our sins and died for us. To me christmas Is a holiday to remember jesus and his life and give back to him. Whether it is something like reading scriptures more, being kind, or saying prayers. All of those show our savior that we love him.
No cartoons today talk about the true meaning of christmas. But in the charlie brown christmas episode charlie askes everyone ‘’what is the true meaning of christmas??’’ linus reads out of luke chapter 2 and tells everyone what christmas is really about.
And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all athe world should be btaxed.
And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called aBethlehem
To be taxed with Mary his aespoused wife, being great with child.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her afirstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the binn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the aglory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you agood tidings of great bjoy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is aborn this day in the city of David a bSaviour, which is Christ the cLord.
And this shall be a asign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
aGlory to God in the highest, and on earth bpeace, good will toward men.
After the shepherds sawJesus Christ, they went and declaired to others what they saw. We can also declair to others, our love of Jesus Christ through our actions, and words.
In closing I want to read this poem I found.
Don't Forget Jesus
Christmas is a special time
To reflect on Jesus Christ
The wonder of His lowly birth
Brings meaning to our lives
There really is no other reason
We celebrate this day
The birth of God’s precious son
And the life He willingly gave
But so much seems to distract us
In the busy-ness of our lives
We lose our focus in all the happenings
Not knowing, we leave out Christ
We lose sight of the true meaning
As we endlessly rush about
Trying to find that perfect gift
Seems to cloud our Saviour out
We need to stop and reflect awhile
Remembering our precious Lord
His birth, His life and sacrifice
And all that He stands for
For though the world may celebrate
It seems though for other reasons
Let’s keep in mind that Jesus Christ
Is the true meaning of the season
|I hope we can all remember the true meaning of christmas this year.|
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Maine!
Ok so this is a shirt I want for christmas It looks like the twilight shirt but not exactually. Its just something fun! Listen to the second song on my playlist. It my favorite!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Youth conference
ok so for youth conference this year we went to the Temple open house in the morning! I wasnt even tired so it was fun being hyper in the car and stuff. Then we came home and changed cloths then we went to BYU bowling. Thats where these pics. are from. it was a lot of fun! The first isme and heather and then miriam eating fries. then me and heather. Then we came back to the church and had the best pizza in the world!!! i dont know where it was from though! i need to find out! And then had icecream sundaes adn left! it was fun:)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Got this off cali's blog...
Mannnn, this year was pretty dang fun!!!!!!! I cant wait till next year, my grade will be the oldest (FRESHMAN!) and my brother comes in! Well, so ya this year was a blast! 1st semester we had the freakin' BEST! art class EVER! lol, so many funny people in that class! There was this really weird guy in that art class, that thought he was going to travel to Ireland by himself? He is way funny! There was this other guy that tricked this girl into thinking his dad was a chef at olive garden, we believed him. but a few days ago he told us he was just kidding. lol! sounds like pretty stupid things, but they were funny! My U.S. history class this semester was the FUNNIES! k so my teacher is an old Australian guy, and hes pretty nice when hes not mad! but when hes mad- let me just tell u it the FUNNIEST thing on the PLANET! K so one of the first times he got mad was when everyone was getting sent out in the hall to do book work, everyone was asking for pencils and our pencils sharpener SUCKS so he was trying to sharpen them, but couldnt so he yanks part of the pencil sharpener off, throws it on the floor, stomps on it, and chucks it in the garbage! and he came back and said '' i am sick of whyping (dk how to spell) your bottoms! you are the reason we are in this bad Economy because no one can take responsibility..... I went to lagoon w/ my school and that was a BLAST. This girl me and mackenzie went with had 100 bucks from her mom, so she bought me a = medium dip-in-dots, (she asked us what size we wanted so i didnt want to be a pig, and i didnt want something too small!) and a cheesecake. She got my friend the same thing but it was a churro instead of cheesecake. Then we went and found my other friend Kassidy so we could go on rattle snake rapids, and i think that group was some of the funniest people ever! K so there was this guy that was w/ us and -WOW- F-U-N-N-Y! Like he would shout ''HOLLA, HEY YALL' WHATS UP!'' to random people and he would like scream it! Then on the ride he would scream but no air would come out... man it was funny stuff. again, sounds dumb but it was so funny! he acts like a little girl! WE went on wicked twice and it was so fun! YEAh this year was pretty easy. I had no projects i had to do, and like no homework! i think i had like 2 assignment that i had to bring home and it was just things like parent interviews for health and stuff. At my school every Friday they pick a teacher and their favorite song plays in the halls. We have song playing every day during the break when we have one more minuet left to get to class, but on Friday its the teachers favorite. They did that this year, and 7th. thats way fun! most of the songs teachers pick are slow country or classical, but they had some good ones this year! Yeah so it was so much fun this year! Sounds pretty stupid but way FUN!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
ok, so i dont think i am going to be private, because i just dont want to! so instead i will just change my address!!!!! you go under settings and under that u click on publishing, right? well anyway i will do it soon and this is what it will be: www.kelseyslifestory.blogspot.com